Best Racking or Mounting Product
General Criteria
The Smart Building Awards 2024 are trade-only awards, meaning consumers are not permitted to enter any category. Each award will be judged fairly by an expert panel based on the criteria set out for each category. The judges will individually score each entry,
There is a qualifying period which will define which entries will be valid. This period will be between January 2023 and June 2024. That means any product launched, or project completed, before or after these dates will not be eligible to enter.
Each category will have a 500-word limit, while a further 250 words will be available to explain why you think you deserve to win the award. There will be different criteria for each award category, and while it’s not mandatory to meet every criteria point, there will be a certain number of boxes you will have to check before your entry is eligible.
The awards are completely FREE to enter and there is no limit on the number of categories or number of submissions you can tender. Entries will close on 2 August 2024.
Best Racking or Mounting Product Criteria
Who can enter: The best rack or mounting category can be entered by either a distributor or manufacturer who has announced or released a rack or mounting product during the qualifying period. A representative, such as a PR company, may also enter their client.
When entries close: Your entry should be submitted by 2 August 2024.
What we’re looking for: It wouldn’t be possible to do a high-end smart home installation without a good server rack, nor would TVs be able to look seamlessly flush against the wall if companies didn’t manufacturer mounts. These vital products may not always be the most glamourous – but there’s a lot to set them apart; is yours the best?
- Performance: How much weight is your rack or mount capable of holding? If it’s a flat to the wall TV mount – how much of a gap does it offer? Let us know about anything else that makes your rack or mount perform the best.
- Design: Is your rack or mount designed to blend into the rest of the furniture, or have you used clever design to ensure optimal cooling? Whatever design tricks you’ve used, let us know.
- Functionality: What functionality does your rack or mount offer? Does your mount offer self-levelling, or does your rack feature special features that make it really easy to install?
Entry Judging: This entry will be judged based on a rounded assessment of the product based on the words, images and other information provided.
Additional Materials Required: In order to judge on design, please supply up to three images of the product. We also require an image of the company’s logo. Entrants may also supply up to one page of supporting evidence, such as testimonials, press coverage, case studies, spec sheets.